CCUS Petrophysics: How is it Different? How is it the Same?
Westside Houston
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Seminar Date: Nov 09 2022
Registration Opens: Aug 23 2022 - Nov 08 2022
Time: 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM (US CDT)
Admission/Registration Link: None
Donation Link: None
Meeting/Webinar Link: None
Contact: QinShan “Shan” Yang (VP Westside, SPWLA Houston Chapter)
Speaker : Adam Haecker
Date : Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Time : 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (US CDT)
Venue : GEOLOG Americas, 10402 Valley Forge Dr., Houston, TX 77042
Admission : This activity will include a boxed lunch.
The seminar is sponsored by GEOLOG so no charge for registration.
However, you still need to register using the applicable links below.
Parking Info : Guest parking is available free of charge.
The seminar will not be open for online registration since it is an in person only event.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information.
In person attendance is limited to 30 people. Advanced registration is preferred and cut when reaching 30.
Please register by November 7th, 2022 @ 5pm to reserve lunch for those attending in person.
Contact : Neal Cameron (SPWLA Houston VP Westide)
Corresponding vpwestside@spwla-houston.orgABSTRACT:
Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) Petrophysics has significant overlap with existing workflows used in oil and gas exploration, but CCUS also has key differences. In this presentation I will examine (1) the regulatory requirements, set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that drive the CCUS industry, (2) The differences in core testing that are recommended and required, (3) Fluid properties that are very impactful, (4) How storage calculations differ from the standard OOIP and OGIP equations and finally (5) how all these values affect the geomodelling and reservoir simulations. All these parameters are needed by the modern CCUS Petrophysicist to effectively evaluate if a reservoir is viable for brine sequestration. Petrophysics is at the center of CCUS evaluation. Many things that are critical to a successful permit can only be determined by detailed petrophysical work. This talk will follow some of the ideas discussed at the SPWLA Stavanger workshop on CCUS Petrophysics that was taught by Katy Larson1, Neeraj Gupta1, Erik Nickel2 and Philip Ringrose3. 1, Battelle Memorial Institute; 2, Saskatchewan Energy and Resources; 3, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Adam Haecker works in Houston as a Director of Geoscience for Milestone Carbon, a company dedicated to delivering CO2 sequestration solutions. His research interests include supercritical CO2 relative permeability, advances in MICP, organic shale petrophysics, and rock mechanics. Prior to Milestone, Adam worked as a petrophysicist for Battelle Memorial Institute, Continental Resources, Chesapeake Energy, and Cabot Oil and Gas (now Coterra), as well as Weatherford Wireline as a field engineer. Adam graduated from Texas A&M in 2007 with a B.S. in Geology. He currently serves as the Vice President of Finance, Secretary and Administration for the international SPWLA (2021-2023) and previously served as North America Regional Director 1 (2018-2020). Adam speaks English and conversational Japanese.